Under the project PHARE RO-9505-04-03 “Rural Development in Romania”, the Rural Observatory was set up, as an inter-institutional body – Institute of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests and Bucharest University; the Rural Observatory purpose was to monitor the rural processes in the southern area of Romania, to conduct diagnosis studies and to design alternative strategies for rural modernization.
The scientific association “Virgil Madgearu” was established on November 3, 1998 through court decision no. 217, as a result of the Rural Observatory transformation into a non-profit organization. The purpose of the association, according to its statute, is to design and promote certain strategies aimed at the modernization and development of activities oriented towards the improvement of the mobilization of zonal resources, with direct impact upon the living standard in the rural area.
In the year 2003, the name of the association was changed into the Romanian Association of Rural and Agri-Food Economy “Virgil Madgearu”- authentication number 300/19.02.2003.
The Romanian Association of Rural and Agri-Food Economy “Virgil Madgearu” has specialists of national and international recognition in the following fields: economy, sociology, agri-food economy, agronomists, geographers, lawyers, philologists. These specialists participated to the elaboration of macro-economic, zonal studies, to the scientific substantiation of the rural area rehabilitation programs and to the design of sectoral policies and of policies targeting the local economies.
The association is managed by an administration board consisting of 5 persons, out of which 1 president, 1 vice-president, 1 secretary and 2 members. The board structure reflects the professional diversity of members.
The research teams consisting of the members of the Romanian Association of Rural and Agri-Food Economy “Virgil Madgearu” elaborate fundamental and empirical studies of the rural (economic, social, demographic, ecologic, sociologic) phenomena and processes, having in view a thorough scientific knowledge of the rural world in order to design the necessary strategies for its modernization and development.
The Romanian Association of Rural and Agri-Food Economy “Virgil Madgearu”:
The research teams consisting of the members of the Romanian Association of Rural and Agri-Food Economy “Virgil Madgearu” will have the following major scientific interests and concerns for the period 2013-2020: